Adenomyosis of the uterus 1 degree: symptoms, treatment

According to the severity of the disease, adenomyosis of the uterus is divided into four degrees. Modern diagnostic methods allow detecting the initial degree of the disease – adenomyosis of the uterus of the 1st degree . At this stage of development, the disease is asymptomatic and is characterized by the onset of penetration of the endometrium (uterine lining) into the myometrium (muscle layer). Most often, the initial stage of adenomyosis is diagnosed by chance, during examination for other diseases. 

Symptoms and diagnosis of adenomyosis of the uterus 1 degree

Since the 1st degree of adenomyosis of the uterus is not characterized by the manifestation of specific symptoms, then its identification is unexpected for a woman. The initial manifestation of adenomyosis may be a lengthening of the menstrual cycle and an increase in the amount of menstrual flow. Therefore, a change in the menstrual cycle should be the reason for a gynecological examination and subsequent examination. Painful sensations at the initial stage are extremely rare and poorly expressed.

In some cases, grade 1 adenomyosis of the uterus can be diagnosed by ultrasound (ultrasound). For a more thorough examination, a blood test for hormones is taken, an immunogram is prescribed , endoscopic, ultrasound and X-ray examinations are carried out. Sometimes magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is done to make the diagnosis more accurate. If adenomyosis is detected at the initial stage of treatment, as a rule, it is not carried out. But the patient necessarily requires constant gynecological observation, in order to avoid the transition of the inactive degree of the disease to the active one, characterized by the rapid spread of the inflammatory process.  

Treatment of adenomyosis of the uterus 1 degree

If, in the process of diagnosis, uterine adenomyosis of 1 degree is detected, conservative treatment is most often prescribed. Hormonal drugs are used. They are selected individually after examination, taking into account concomitant diseases and the woman’s subsequent desire to become pregnant, bear and give birth to a healthy child. 

In treatment, oral contraceptives, gestagens can be used. Pregnancy is a good prevention of the progression of adenomyosis .

The main effect of treatment with the use of hormonal drugs is the suppression of ovarian function and the elimination of hyperestrogenemia . The hormonal drugs used cause a state of temporary pseudomenopause and chronic anovulation .

The duration of hormone therapy in the treatment of adenomyosis is six to nine months. To reduce the negative effects of hormonal drugs on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas and liver, drugs are used that support the functions of these organs.

An important component of conservative treatment is the normalization of disorders of the immune system. For this, drugs with immunomodulatory properties are used. Due to the insufficient work of the antioxidant system of the body, it is advisable to use vitamin complexes. To reduce pain symptoms, antispasmodics and analgesics are prescribed.

The neurological manifestations and consequences of adenomyosis are eliminated through reflexotherapy in combination with the intake of sedatives and tranquilizers.

Conservative treatment is indicated for the small size of a single focus of adenomyosis in women of reproductive age, since the intake of gestagens significantly increases the likelihood of pregnancy. Adenomyosis of the uterus in the initial stage rarely causes inconvenience, but despite this, timely treatment will help prevent further development of the disease and eliminate the risk of concomitant complications.

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