Conception after an abortion

The postponed artificial termination of pregnancy will certainly affect the reproductive capacity of a woman. This is precisely the reason for the attention that doctors show to such women. Conception after an abortion and the entire time of bearing a child can be at risk, especially if the cervix was injured during the interruption.

The cervix is a muscle that can be damaged when exposed to a surgical instrument. Especially traumatic is the first surgical termination of pregnancy.

How dangerous are uterine injuries?

The injury consists in tearing the cervix, which leads to the inferiority of the uterus. As a result, it becomes difficult for the cervix to hold the developing ovum after the 18th week of pregnancy. Accordingly, the risk of miscarriage increases. Before the onset of a miscarriage, bloody discharge begins to flow from the uterus, sometimes there are pains in the lower abdomen. If the inferiority of the cervix is established in a timely manner, then a miscarriage can be prevented by applying surgical sutures that fix the uterus in a closed state. However, timely detection of this pathology often occurs too late.

What are the risks of conception after an abortion?

Conception after an abortion may be at risk due to the hormonal background. In the process of bearing a child, a complete restructuring of the woman’s body occurs, which ensures the correct development of the developing fetus. Artificial termination of pregnancy can cause dysfunction of the ovaries and pituitary gland. As a result, during the subsequent conception, the body will not be able to maintain the hormonal background necessary for a favorable pregnancy. As a rule, there is a shortage of progesterone, which performs an important function in maintaining pregnancy during the first three months. Correction of this condition is carried out by taking hormonal drugs.

In the process of abortion, damage occurs to the inner layer of the uterine cavity – the endometrium. This layer is responsible for the correct attachment of the fetal egg and, in the future, for the formation of the placenta. Conception after an abortion may be in jeopardy just because of injury to this particular layer. When the endometrium is injured, a fertilized egg can be fixed in the lower parts of the uterine region, where there are no lesions. In this case, tubal pregnancy often occurs. In addition to surgical intervention, the endometrium of the uterus can be damaged during the development of chronic inflammation.

The thinning of the endometrium can cause the formation of a defective placenta, which leads to the development of disorders in the development of the fetus due to a lack of nutrients and oxygen.

Such phenomena negatively affect the intrauterine development of the child, leading to growth retardation and low weight. For this reason, when conceived after an abortion, doctors strictly monitor the growth of the child, measuring the abdomen and prescribing an ultrasound scan. When establishing growth retardation, therapy is prescribed.

Pregnancy after abortion

Conception after an abortion can threaten to rupture the uterine cavity itself. The cause of such a severe complication may be the extreme degree of thinning of the uterine walls due to several abortions. With an extreme degree of thinning of the uterine walls, a woman is prescribed non-surgical treatment, and throughout the entire time of bearing a child, the woman is constantly monitored. In addition, in the process of abortion due to medical error, perforation or perforation of the uterus can occur – this is a hole in the uterine wall. To eliminate this phenomenon, the uterus is surgically sutured. However, at the site of the rupture, a new tissue is formed, which does not have elasticity and can cause a rupture of the uterine wall during pregnancy and childbirth. This threatens both the life of the child and the life of the woman herself.

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