Beginning of sexual life

The beginning of a sexual life is an exciting event for any young person, of any gender. The beginning of a sexual life has nothing to do with a specific age, or with the physiological characteristics of a person.

The beginning of a sexual life should take place not under the pressure of others, but when the young man himself is ready for this psychologically and emotionally. In addition, you need to have some information. The first intimacy should be desirable and with the person you can trust without fear that he will use force, be rude or tactless. Of course, the beginning of a sexual life is most difficult for girls than for boys, since an unsuccessful first experience can negatively affect the further sexual life of a young woman. The beginning of a sexual life is a conscious step. Accordingly, it is necessary to have some information about how the female and male reproductive systems are arranged.

Especially carefully at the first intimacy, it is necessary to think over the issue of contraception, since there are cases of conception during the first sexual contact. Contraceptives must be purchased in advance. Many experts believe that it is better to use condoms for the first intimate intercourse, as they are easier to use and more affordable. In addition, only condoms provide an almost 100 percent guarantee that during sexual intimacy one partner will not become infected with another, and this is not excluded at all.

Much at the beginning of sexual life depends on the partner. If the partner is much more experienced, then there are both positive and negative sides. The advantage lies in the experience of the partner. The negative side may be that the partner may be inattentive to protection from pregnancy. Be wary of the judgment that sex on certain days of the menstrual cycle is safe. This safety is rather conditional, since, in fact, pregnancy can occur on any day of the cycle.

In addition, it is necessary to have information on how to recognize pregnancy in the early stages of its development and to know what methods of artificial termination of pregnancy exist. Ideally, the beginning of a sexual life should be supported not only by information from books and magazines, but also by the recommendations of a specialist. When visiting a doctor’s consultation, it is necessary to ask all the questions of interest.

The first intimacy should take place in a quiet and calm environment where a person will feel confident. In addition, it is better if all the necessary hygiene products are at hand.

The beginning of a sexual life, as a rule, a person remembers throughout his life. On a subconscious level, all the emotions and sensations that a person experienced during the first sexual intimacy are remembered. That’s why it’s so important how things go.

All sexual contacts in the subsequent sexual life a person will subconsciously correlate with the first experience of intimate relationships. In addition, the first intimacy will certainly leave an imprint on a person’s sexual behavior in the future. For this reason, you should not rely on chance and let everything take its course. It is necessary to make some efforts to organize a suitable place and environment for the first sex in your life. It’s just great if the first sex happens with a person with whom there was a platonic relationship before. Such people usually already know each other well and are not shy about each other. So the first experience will be successful. If something did not happen as planned, then you should not fall into despair, because “the first pancake is always lumpy.” The main thing is to support each other psychologically and emotionally.

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