Bleeding during pregnancy

Every woman planning to become a mother hopes that the pregnancy will develop correctly, preferably, ideally. However, this is not always the case. Bleeding during pregnancy is the most common complication of childbearing. Of course, not all bleeding is dangerous for the mother and the unborn baby, however, if there is a discharge with blood, you should in any case contact a gynecologist.

Why do you bleed during pregnancy?

– erosion;

– tubal pregnancy;

– bleeding during implantation of the embryo;

– varicose veins of the vaginal veins;

– risk of miscarriage;

– the threat of early childbirth;

– placental presentation .

Bleeding during pregnancy – erosion

The tissues of the cervix during pregnancy become softer due to the effect of pregnancy hormones on them and increased blood flow. It is for this reason that bleeding can develop. In this case, bleeding can occur after sex or spontaneously. As a rule, during erosion, the discharge has a bright red color and is moderate. Such bleeding is not considered dangerous.

Bleeding during pregnancy – tubal pregnancy

Tubal or ectopic pregnancy very rarely lasts longer than 10 weeks. The main symptoms of this phenomenon are pain contractions, which can lead to loss of consciousness, and dark discharge that appears after an attack of pain. Tubal pregnancy is determined by gynecological examination and ultrasound. Bleeding is dangerous.

Bleeding during pregnancy – implantation of the fetus

The so-called implantation bleeding can occur 6-12 days after conception. Bleeding, more precisely a few drops of pink discharge, is associated with the introduction of a fetal egg into the endometrium of the uterus. The duration of such bleeding is only a few hours and does not pose a danger to pregnancy.

Bleeding during pregnancy – risk of miscarriage

There are a lot of reasons leading to spontaneous expulsion of the fetus. The main manifestations of the threat are sipping in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region, dark vaginal discharge, and a sharp decrease in basal temperature. If measures are not taken in a timely manner, then the threat may result in the loss of the fetus. Accordingly, such bleeding is dangerous.

Bleeding during pregnancy – the threat of early labor

The threat of early labor is raised after the twenty-eighth week of pregnancy. The main manifestations of the threat of preterm labor are excessive uterine tone, cramping pain, potential rejection of amniotic fluid, signs of cervical dilatation. If the fetal bladder is not damaged and the fetus itself is in a normal state, then specific therapy is carried out aimed at carrying the child for the longest possible time. At the same time, the prevention of oxygen starvation of the child and measures aimed at the correct intrauterine development of the lung tissue are carried out.

Bleeding during pregnancy – placenta previa

Placental presentation – a serious complication of the process of bearing a child, consists in partial or complete concealment of the internal os of the uterus by the membrane of the placenta. It is on this basis that partial or complete placental presentation is classified . The main symptom of presentation is recurrent uterine bleeding, which is usually observed with this pathological phenomenon in the second and third trimesters. The discharge has a dark scarlet color and is painless. Each successive uterine bleeding during pregnancy is more and more intense. Treatment is determined by the duration of pregnancy, the abundance of discharge and the type of placental presentation .

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