Erosion of the cervix is the most common diagnosis given by a gynecologist to a young woman. Cervical erosion is almost a “legendary” condition that is confusing and troubling for many women. It is especially important to become the presence of erosion in a woman about to become pregnant.
As a rule, in medical terminology, cervical erosion is called a violation of the uterine cervix, which is a transformation of tissue cells covering the walls of the uterine cervix. There can be a lot of reasons for cervical erosion: these are congenital disorders of the cervix, and mechanical injuries, and gynecological diseases of an infectious nature. The main thing that every woman needs to remember is that in no case should the erosion of the cervix be left without proper treatment. Otherwise, erosion can become a source of infection for the whole organism. The worst outcome of cervical erosion is the formation of cervical cancer.
In this regard, women who are not yet pregnant and planning to conceive need to be examined by a gynecologist. If you suspect the presence of cervical erosion, you must:
– try to find a gynecologist who specializes specifically in the pathologies of the uterine neck;
– do a colposcopy , which is an examination of the cervix under a special device, or a detailed colposcopy , when the cervix is stained with a special solution before the examination. Colposcopy allows the gynecologist to make an accurate diagnosis;
– take a smear test for infections. If an infection is found, it must be cured before cervical erosion is treated;
– get tested for cytology. For this, a scraping is taken from the cervix. This analysis allows us to talk about the structure of cells: healthy or affected;
– if necessary, make a biopsy – submit a piece of cervical tissue for histological examination. A biopsy is done only after the infection has cleared;
– if cauterization of the cervical erosion is necessary, then before its implementation, it is required to cure all inflammation and infections of the vagina. Nevertheless, cauterization of erosion is not always necessary.
The existing point of view that a woman who has not yet given birth does not need to cauterize erosion is wrong. This point of view is based on the fact that moxibustion was previously the only way to treat cervical erosion. This procedure was carried out on outdated equipment and left behind a scar that could cause uterine rupture during labor. A more modern method of treating cervical erosion – laser excision of the affected areas – does not leave behind scars and has the ability to excise the affected tissue at different depths. There are other methods of removing the affected areas of the cervix – cryotherapy performed with liquid nitrogen, and radio wave erosion removal.
It should be noted that the size of the erosion does not matter during treatment. Treatment requires both large and small erosion. Doctors categorically deny that the treatment is carried out in the “grandmother’s” way.
After successful cauterization of erosion, you can plan to conceive a child in a month.
If a woman is found to have erosion during pregnancy, then it will not be removed. Erosion during pregnancy does not pose a threat to mother or baby, and it can be cured after childbirth.
The main task of women of any age is a timely examination by a gynecologist and proper treatment of the identified pathologies.