How to identify safe days for sex?

Some women, in order to prevent unwanted pregnancies, calculate safe days, that is, those days when you do not need to use contraception. However, like any other method of contraception, this is not a 100% panacea. There is no need to be afraid of this, it is just worth understanding and absorbing it. How to calculate safe days for sex?
The ability to become pregnant or not to become pregnant during intercourse appears on certain days of the menstrual cycle. It depends on the vitality and aspiration of the sperm and on the egg itself. Ovulation occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle – this is the time for a mature healthy egg to enter the uterine cavity. This is the period when a healthy woman is prone to conception.

Natural method of contraception

This method is based on determining the most favorable days for pregnancy – at this time, couples refuse to have sexual intercourse or use other methods of contraception. Thus, couples who prefer the natural method do not use any contraceptive pills.
How Safe Days for Sex
Are Calculated It is most likely mid-cycle when the egg is released. Since ovulation can occur after a few days, the range of the most “dangerous days” is 8-10 days in the middle of the menstrual cycle.
As a rule, the duration of the menstrual cycle is 28 days, so the “safe” are from the 1st to the 9th day, and from the 19th to the 28th.
It is known that the life of a sperm in the female genital tract in some cases can be two days. Therefore, unprotected sex on the 8th day with a menstrual cycle length of 28 days poses a greater risk for those who do not plan to conceive than on any of the days at the end of the cycle.
Special calendars have been compiled that can be used both for conceiving a child and for preventing pregnancy. In addition, these calendars will also help you plan the gender of your baby if needed.

Are these safe days so safe?

As noted earlier, the chances of failure with natural pregnancy prevention are very high. Safe days may not be so, provided your menstrual cycle is irregular. In this situation, no girl (woman) can be 100% sure. The egg can be released both earlier and later due to various factors:
• Severe and prolonged illness;
• Stressful situations;
• Violations of the daytime regimen;
• Wrong diet;
• Excessive physical activity;
• Change in weather conditions, abrupt changes in climatic conditions.
The last factor can negatively affect even the most “disciplined” woman’s body, which can behave completely unexpectedly.
Another important point is that the natural method of preventing pregnancy is considered an opportunity for the development of any sexually transmitted disease. If the partner is constant and monitors health, personal hygiene and immunity, the degree of risk is reduced, but unpleasant surprises are also possible. Therefore, lovers of unprotected intercourse should be prepared for the treatment of sexual diseases. In this case, there are no safe days in the cycle, and there cannot be.
In conclusion, it should be noted that the natural method of contraception and calculation of safe days is the most unreasonable and unreliable of all methods of contraception. 

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