Pregnancy screening

Pregnant women must certainly undergo specialized tests and studies aimed at determining the degree of a particular risk to the health of the child. One such study is pregnancy screening. It is worth noting that the name of this study plunges many expectant mothers into a panic, so it’s worth figuring out what’s what.

Screening of pregnant women is a special test that is carried out by pregnant women to determine certain hormonal imbalances. The purpose of such specific testing is to highlight pregnant women at risk for congenital malformations of the fetus. In particular, diseases of the psyche and nervous system are distinguished in the group. Screening of pregnant women in the first trimester of pregnancy is called a double test, since ultrasound and a blood test are performed for the study. Special factors in the screening of pregnant women are the age of the pregnant woman, height and weight, bad habits, chronic and past diseases, and other specific features.

The first screening of pregnant women is carried out in the period from 11 to 14 weeks of pregnancy. On ultrasound diagnostics, the thickness of the collar space is determined, the approximate age of the fetus in weeks is determined, and the date of birth can be approximately indicated. In addition, a blood test for two hormones is taken. The first screening of pregnant women is necessary to rule out Down syndrome and Edwards syndrome in the fetus.

The second screening of pregnant women is a comprehensive study that is carried out from the 16th to the 18th week of pregnancy. Moreover, at this time, an ultrasound examination may not be carried out, but limited only to a blood test for three hormones – this study is called a triple test. The information content of the triple test of the second screening is higher than during the first complex study.

The results of the study are recorded by doctors in a special computer program, the task of which is to calculate the risk of developing a fetus of one or another deviation, a chromosomal abnormality.

After passing the entire study, each pregnant woman is given a conclusion, where all the results are listed. If this study is carried out by a pregnant woman in the direction of the LCD, then the result will be ready in about 3 weeks. If the study is carried out on an individual basis on a paid basis, then the results will be ready much faster – in a couple of days. In the received pregnant leaflet, all indicators should be indicated, it should be noted whether they fit within the limits of the norm, what risks deviations from the norm may indicate, etc. In the process of comparing the indications obtained during the first and second screening of pregnant women, the degree of risk of developing a chromosomal abnormality is determined. With the received leaflet, the woman should contact the gynecologist who leads the pregnancy. If necessary, the specialist will prescribe inpatient or laboratory treatment to the expectant mother.

If the results of screening of pregnant women showed a high risk of developing abnormalities in the child, then the woman is sent for examination to a genetics specialist who will study the results of the examination in detail, conduct a conversation, and find out if there is a predisposition to genetic abnormalities. If the risk of developing anomalies is confirmed by several points, the pregnant woman is offered to undergo a deeper study – an analysis of amniotic fluid or cord blood. It is these studies that give the most reliable results. Such studies, if indicated, can be carried out at any stage of pregnancy, but only with an experienced specialist and in the proper conditions.

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