Safe sex: the basics of female contraception

Sex and sexual relationships are an integral part of the life of every physically healthy person. It is needed not only for the birth of children, but also to satisfy the physiological needs of both men and women. The fact is that it is sexual intercourse that is the catalyst for many biological processes in the body. For example, the release of hormones that affect well-being. Today’s enlightened generation is no longer ashamed to talk about this aspect of life. The main thing is that sex should be protected, because one third of the adult population of the planet suffers from venereal diseases. Safe sex involves the use of various methods of contraception. Both partners should think about it, rejecting the stereotype that the one who really cares should take care of it.

A mature and responsible attitude towards sex will help to avoid many problems and troubles, such as unwanted pregnancy or STDs. Basically, this issue is very cool about women, who shift the worries about contraception onto the shoulders of men who have to buy condoms. But this is fundamentally wrong, since everyone is responsible for their own body and state of health, and after problems suddenly pop up after intercourse, you need to blame only your own carelessness. Safe sex with a reliable sexual partner can be limited to the use of hormonal contraceptives, collectively known as “The pill ” in American literature and culture.

Such pills appeared in the 60s, since then they have occupied a leading position among contraceptives in Europe and America. In Russia and Asian countries, they are inferior in popularity to barrier contraceptives. The principle of action of contraceptive pills is based on a change in the level of female sex hormones – progesterone and estrogen. Because of this, women do not ovulate, that is, the female egg does not enter the uterus and cannot be fertilized. Now contraceptives are widely represented in any pharmacy, but they can be taken only after consultation with a gynecologist. Modern pills also have the function of reducing menstrual cramps and eliminating acne associated with a drop in hormones.

Safe sex with a regular partner means protection from unwanted pregnancies. Such protection can serve as an intrauterine device, which belongs to the type of long-term contraceptives. It is an elastic device that is inserted into the uterine cavity, preventing the connection of the female egg and sperm. As a rule, the intrauterine device is placed by women who have already given birth to children and do not plan to give birth in the next few years, since its service life is from 5 to 10 years. If a woman does not want to drink hormonal drugs, or if there are any contraindications, and the spiral is not suitable as the main means of contraception, then contraceptive sponges can be used.

This is another less common way to protect against unwanted pregnancy, which, however, will not save you from sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS. Contraceptive sponges look like rounded pads that have a recess on the side adjacent to the woman’s uterus. There is a polyester loop at the opposite end to retrieve it. Its function is to hold and absorb sperm before it enters the uterine tubules. In addition, these sponges secrete a spermicidal substance that “neutralizes” spermatozoa. Safe sex without barrier contraceptives is also provided by the now popular contraceptive injections and patches. Injections are given every three months, and during this time they prevent the woman from ovulating. This method is better than birth control pills in that you can forget to take the pill, and the woman will become pregnant.

The patches are long lasting. The patch is glued to the skin, where it safely keeps for a week, then it is changed. After three weeks of using these contraceptives, you need to take a week off. If a woman is not confident in her partner, then it is better to use barrier contraceptives – condoms, as well as spermicidal agents. Safe sex without the use of barrier contraceptives is considered conditionally safe by doctors, since there is no guarantee that the partner is healthy.

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