Pregnancy and chlamydia: how to treat and not harm

Chlamydia is a disease quite widespread in modern society. And the most unpleasant thing is that, according to statistics, 10% of pregnant women are infected with this infection. Unfortunately, this is a fact. In this regard, the question arises: if chlamydia is diagnosed , how to treat it without risk for the unborn baby? Does chlamydia require compulsory treatment during pregnancy?   

The danger of chlamydia for the fetus and for the mother

The main danger of chlamydia is that it can cause a large number of complications in the body of a pregnant woman. Here are just a few of them:

– strong manifestations of toxicosis;

– anemia;

– polyhydramnios;

– Fading of the fetus or spontaneous miscarriage in the first months of pregnancy;

– inflammatory processes in the amniotic membrane;

– premature birth.

For a child, chlamydia is also a considerable danger. Often, in the early stage of pregnancy, severe placental insufficiency occurs, and the embryo stops its development, the occurrence of this pathology contributes to oxygen starvation (hypoxia) of the fetus and the baby begins to develop incorrectly. Due to hypoxia, a child can be born with a poorly developed muscular system or with a severe violation of nervous development. In addition, chlamydia prevents the normal supply of the embryo with the necessary nutrients, which causes violations of the proper development.

All these complications can develop in the first or second trimester of pregnancy. In the third trimester, chlamydia can cause infection and the baby. Infection affects the internal organs, kidneys, liver, pancreas. Depending on the severity of the disease, the life of the child is at risk.

The baby may be infected with chlamydia during childbirth. If chlamydia enters the mucous membranes of the eye, nasopharynx, genitals, pneumonia or conjunctivitis may occur. Therefore, treatment of chlamydia during pregnancy should be mandatory and immediate.

In identifying the infection chlamydia how to treat it defines only a doctor, a leading pregnancy. Drugs are prescribed based on the individual characteristics of the woman’s body and laboratory tests. In this case, the risk of the use of drugs for the unborn child is necessarily taken into account.   

Treatment of chlamydia in pregnancy

Since most drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy, the treatment of any genital infection, including chlamydia, is significantly complicated. Chlamydia is located in the urogenital system of a pregnant woman. To destroy them, antibiotics from the tetracycline group are usually used, but during pregnancy their administration is extremely undesirable. Therefore, antibiotics from the macrolide group (Erythromycin, Ofloxacin, Amoxicillin, Viferon) are used for treatment. Since it is necessary to treat chlamydia in this critical period very carefully and observing all precautions, the treatment method, the necessary medicine and the exact dosage are prescribed by the attending physician, taking into account the conditions of the course of pregnancy.  

In addition to antibacterial drugs, drugs are used that eliminate the dysbiosis of the vagina and intestines, which is almost always present with chlamydia. It is extremely important to maintain and increase the immunity of a pregnant woman. Immunomodulating drugs are prescribed by the immunologist together with the attending physician.

In addition, a woman’s sexual partner should be treated, even if he does not have this infection. During the course of treatment and within two weeks after it, sex should be abandoned. Timely treatment of chlamydia gives effective results and helps prevent infection of the unborn child. 

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