Toxicosis in pregnant women

Pregnancy is a great time for any woman, the time of waiting for the baby. But there are unpleasant moments for this condition – toxicosis in pregnant women , which manifests itself in the early or late stages. This is a frequent phenomenon – the developing fetus has a certain effect on the mother’s body, forcing it to adapt to this. This adaptation is very difficult, complications arise, sometimes serious, and they are called toxicosis of pregnant women. 

Groups of toxicosis

· Early toxicosis.

· Late toxicosis. The most difficult period, developing in the sixth month of pregnancy.

· Rare, not common types of toxicosis – diseases of the skin, liver, bone and nervous system.

Causes of toxicosis

Why not all women suffer from toxicosis, what does it happen, what factors provoke it? There are many questions, but this phenomenon has not been studied enough. Although, a number of reasons can be named.

· The process of formation of the placenta . Having formed, the placenta will begin to retain toxic substances in the body of the expectant mother, and until then, vomiting serves as protection against possible intoxication.

· Hormonal changes . After conception, the body begins to change the hormonal background, the concentration of hormones increases. This causes bouts of nausea, exacerbation of smell, a change in taste. The conceived embryo, in fact, is a foreign body for the female body, from which it is trying to get rid of. But, as time goes on, the hormonal background returns to normal, the toxicosis disappears.

· Chronic diseases . Lowered immunity and untreated diseases can cause a lot of troubles, such as toxicosis in pregnant women. To exclude this, you need to take complexes of vitamins, folic acid, treat ailments.  

· Ensuring safe development of the fetus . The body does not accept certain foods, thereby protecting the unborn baby.

· Multiple pregnancy . Carrying out such a pregnancy is much more difficult than when the fetus is alone.

· Hereditary factor . Usually, if women in the family had toxicosis, then it will manifest itself in the future.

· Age factor . If the first pregnancy occurs after thirty years, then the chances of “getting acquainted” with toxicosis increase.

· Psychological factor .

The main signs of toxicosis

Each woman carries a pregnancy in her own way, but the signs of toxicosis are usually the same:

• depressed state;



· Increased salivation – ptyalism ;


Drowsiness, weight loss;

·feeling unwell.

All of the above symptoms are observed in the first half of pregnancy, with early toxicosis.

In the second half of pregnancy, women may experience late toxicosis, the characteristic features of which are:

Dropsy – there is swelling and a sharp weight gain;

· Nephropathy – a consequence of dropsy, manifested by: swelling; increased pressure; there is protein in the urine;

· Pro – eclampsia – disorders in the functioning of the nervous system, cerebral circulation, the possibility of cerebral edema are added to the signs of nephropathy.

· Eclampsia is a serious danger to mother and fetus.

How to treat toxicosis of pregnant women

If in the first half of pregnancy, vomiting is not common, does not have a tangible negative effect on well-being, then it can be left untreated. With a severe form of toxicosis – indomitable vomiting and poor health, the help of a doctor is required.

Early toxicosis does not require special treatment. All that is needed is good care; diet food that includes easily digestible foods; prolonged sleep; taking vitamins, especially groups B and C; antiemetic drugs (as needed); detoxification therapy.

Late and rare types of toxicosis are usually treated in a hospital setting, when constant monitoring is required, for a pregnant woman and a fetus.


It is not easy to give children, toxicosis of pregnant women is confirmation of this. Well, let. The joy of motherhood is worth more. A healthy toddler born into the world will quickly make you forget about such minor troubles, you will see. Good luck.  

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