Adenomyosis : treatment is common

Infertility, pain during menstruation, spasmodic syndromes in the lower abdomen, the impossibility of having a full sexual life … The cause of these problems is often adenomyosis (ingrowth of the uterine lining into its own inner layers). This difficult to diagnose disease requires a pedantic course of treatment. However, before prescribing it, the gynecologist must find out the cause of adenomyosis . In this part of the work, the greatest difficulties arise.

Experts still do not come to a consensus regarding the causes of adenomyosis in women. This circumstance makes it difficult to create a scheme for effective treatment and prevention of this disease. However, empirically, gynecologists identified provoking factors, assigning a specific method of treatment to each of them. His choice also depends on the severity of the symptoms of the disease.

Adenomyosis or ” pseudo-adenomyosis 

Despite the presence of specific symptoms, experts are in no hurry to combine them under the wording ” adenomyosis “. The treatment of this disease at the initial stage of its development is quite simple. 

As a rule, gynecologists offer the patient to take a course of hormonal drugs. This universal method of treatment helps specialists assess the general state of women’s health, as well as confirm or deny the version of the presence of adenomyosis . If at the end of the course of treatment the alarming symptoms no longer appear, the gynecologist may stop taking hormones.

On the 5-8th day of the cycle, an ultrasound diagnosis (less often MRI) is prescribed, which allows to assess the physiological state of the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes. With a favorable outcome of the treatment, the doctor will confirm the presence of a minor hormonal disorder. In this case, there will be no talk about adenomyosis . If taking hormonal drugs does not give a lasting effect, gynecologists may testify in favor of true adenomyosis .

Causes of adenomyosis and its treatment

The main cause of this disease is considered to be mechanical damage to the structure of the uterus, obtained during childbirth, abortion or any other operation. Experts are sure that the resulting wound gives rise to adenomyosis . In this case, treatment depends on how strong the woman’s symptoms are, and whether pregnancy is planned in the future.   

If the patient is in a favorable childbearing age, the gynecologist can offer her a sparing surgical treatment. If pregnancy and childbirth are not envisaged, and the patient is experiencing physical suffering from the manifestation of symptoms, a radical, surgical method (removal of the uterus) may be offered.

The second most common “provocateur” of the disease is called hormonal failure, the recovery of which is not limited to the course of taking special drugs. At the same time, the female reproductive system works in the wrong direction.

The lining of the uterus grows regardless of whether the egg is fertilized. Over time, the uterus cannot support the weight of the growing endometrium. As a result, it is forced to “adapt”, growing into the actual uterine muscle layer.

With this development of the disease, the gynecologist issues a referral for a comprehensive blood test at different periods of the cycle (the hormonal discrepancy is assessed). Next, the doctor prescribes drugs that artificially induce menopause. It is assumed that with its onset, adenomyosis recedes.

In this regard, many experts are sure that adenomyosis does not require special treatment . After all, the disease has a benign nature, depending on the activity of hormones. This theory rejects any surgical intervention, offering an alternative – to wait for the natural extinction of hormonal activity.    

The choice of treatment methods for any disease is based on the study of symptoms and test results. No matter how complex and contradictory the diagnosis may seem, modern scientific thought makes it possible to adequately assess the stage of development of any disease, offering the only correct way to treat it. Speaking about adenomyosis , it is important to remember the need to listen to your own body, noting certain symptoms. After all, they can become decisive in determining the method of treatment.

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