It became known at what age you can give birth to a genius

A study by British scientists has shown that the intellectual abilities of a child depend a lot on the age of the mother. It demonstrated that children born to women under the age of 22 in adolescence were inferior in mental development to peers whose mothers were older.

The study involved 176 families in which scientists tested the mental abilities of children. According to experts, this phenomenon is due to the fact that pregnant women at a young age are more prone to manifestations of stress and other neurotic conditions. And this, in turn, has a detrimental effect on the intelligence of future children.

It often happens that pregnancy at a young age becomes an unpleasant surprise. In this case, a woman has to make a very difficult choice, which negatively affects her emotional state. According to statistics in Britain, more than 41% of women experience prenatal depression before the age of 18 and 35% before the age of 22.

The study lasted for 11 years and was aimed at analyzing the adaptation of children in society, as well as their level of IQ. It was found that about a fifth of these children experienced communication problems, not only with teachers, but also with peers.

At the same time, a similar study conducted with children born to women over 27 years old showed that only 9% of children experienced similar problems. Based on this, scientists have come to the conclusion that the birth of children with genius inclinations is more likely in mothers who are over 27 years old. But this does not mean at all that the older the better. A parallel study has shown that it is desirable for a woman to give birth to her first child before the age of 35, because after this age, the risks increase significantly.

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