Pregnancy after 30

Life, communication, development of relationships and worldview in the age of information technology has its own characteristics. Constant changes could not but affect the birth rate statistics. Significantly increased the number of late births. Often this happens because of the desire to first make a career, to firmly stand on one’s feet before planning a pregnancy or to consciously approach the upbringing of a child. There are frequent cases when late pregnancy is the result of health problems, the elimination of which took more than one year.

Positive points

Of course, pregnancy after 30 years is desirable, expected, good from several points of view. Women of this wonderful age are capable of more quivering feelings and responsibility towards the child, less prone to stress during gestation and childbirth. In most cases, careful planning of pregnancy occurs and, therefore, all the recommendations of the doctor are followed.  

A child becomes truly desired for both parents. Plus, pregnancy has a beneficial effect on the level of cholesterol in the body of a woman, thereby reducing the risk of strokes, atherosclerosis, heart attacks, in addition, the onset of menopause and menopause is delayed.

But many worries are associated with late pregnancy. All of them, of course, are justified. But what exactly should a woman planning to conceive, bear and give birth to a baby only after 30 years, we consider in detail.

Important to remember

At a later age in the female body, the hormonal background is more likely to ripen several eggs ready for fertilization, significantly increasing the chances of conceiving twins. Twins are good, but joy can be overshadowed by the difficulties associated with bearing a multiple pregnancy.

After 30, pregnancy is complicated by the high probability of exacerbation of any chronic diseases (osteochondrosis, pyelonephritis, disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, etc.), which usually accumulate by this age. The risk of giving birth to a child with congenital pathologies also increases significantly.  

A strong change in blood pressure, which is less characteristic of young women, can provoke gestosis (failure of a number of organs, significant disturbances in functioning) or pereclampsia (restriction of oxygen intake and nutrients necessary for the fetus), in the late stage of pregnancy. Both complications pose a threat to the life of both the mother and the fetus.

The possibility of conception is affected by such female pathologies as inflammation of the uterus and appendages, adhesions, uterine muscle tumors, and all disorders of the uterine mucosa. All these conditions are characteristic of older women. Therefore, if you plan to give birth to your first child no earlier than 30, be prepared for the fact that the first time you become pregnant may not happen.

With age, the elasticity of the tissues of the woman’s genital organs decreases significantly, which increases the risk of rupture of the birth canal and / or weak labor. In general, all this can adversely affect not only the process of giving birth to a baby, but also the course of pregnancy itself.

The problems with the placenta are predominantly characterized by pregnancy in women after 30 . And such pathologies can cause dangerous bleeding, impaired fetal development and many other complications.   

But despite the possible complications, late pregnancy with the right approach and the implementation of all the doctor’s recommendations can be easy. To do this, the expectant mother must first pass all the tests for the presence of sexually transmitted diseases, undergo an ultrasound of the reproductive system, be sure to find out the presence of chronic diseases, if necessary, heal. A balanced diet, intake of vitamins, the absence of bad habits, a good mood in most cases guarantee a normal pregnancy.

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