The birth of a child gives parents 2 years of happiness

According to American and Canadian researchers, parents are happy only two years after the birth of a baby. Scientists came to this conclusion after conducting a joint study.

Thus, scientists from the London School of Economic and Political Science, together with colleagues from the Western University of Canada, conducted a study aimed at understanding the level of happiness of parents at the birth of their child. Scientists have found that parents feel an emotional uplift throughout the entire period of pregnancy and another year after the birth of a child. At the same time, the mother of the baby overwhelms the strongest feelings.

Experts note that the birth of a second child also evokes positive emotions in parents. Moreover, the indicators remain at the same level as when the first child was born. Whereas the birth of a third child in a family leads parents to a dead end, since such a pregnancy is not always planned. The first place in such a case is occupied by worries about the well-being of the family, and not the joy of the birth of a new member.

Also, the researchers noticed another interesting fact – the older the parents, the stage of heightened emotional state as a result of the birth of a child lasts much longer than younger parents. Also , those couples who have been trying to have a child for a long time and have sought the help of doctors also enjoy the happiness of having a baby longer .  

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