Uterine hypoplasia: symptoms and treatment

Hypoplasia is a physiological underdevelopment of the uterus, infantilism, or the so-called “baby womb”. The main reason for the development of the disease is an insufficient synthesis of female sex hormones, as a result of which the uterus acquires a hypoplastic shape (conical long neck, small body, hyperantheflexia , long convoluted fallopian tubes).

Women with this pathology often suffer from infertility or ectopic pregnancies. Uterine hypoplasia is often accompanied by underdevelopment of the external genital organs. Often, underdevelopment or polycystic ovaries become companions of the disease .  


This disease has striking manifestations during puberty. Late onset of menstruation is the first symptom of uterine hypoplasia . Over time, the menstrual function of a girl with this pathology stabilizes, but her periods are painful, with impaired regularity. With hypoplasia of the uterus, oligodysmenorrhea is often observed , menstrual bleeding is often short-lived, profuse or scarce. 

The teenager lags behind in general physical and sexual development. In girls suffering from this disease, there is a small stature, a narrowed pelvis, hypoplastic mammary glands, a narrow chest, the absence or weakness of secondary sexual characteristics.

At puberty, women with uterine hypoplasia have decreased libido. But the worst thing is a violation of reproductive function, which manifests itself in infertility, ectopic pregnancy, miscarriages, toxicosis, weak labor, small opening of the uterine pharynx during childbirth, as well as atonic postpartum bleeding.

The genitourinary system in this case is susceptible to various infections, therefore, uterine hypoplasia often causes endometritis, cervicitis and other diseases.

If the above-described signs of uterine hypoplasia are found, a woman (girl) urgently needs to consult a gynecologist and endocrinologist.  


The directions of treatment are determined by the degree and causes of the development of the disease. But the mainstay of treatment is hormone replacement therapy and stimulating hormone therapy. This is often enough to restore the size of the uterus and normalize the menstrual cycle.

Good results are shown by physiotherapeutic methods for treating uterine hypoplasia through procedures aimed at increasing blood circulation in the pelvic organs. Physiotherapeutic methods include magnetotherapy , laser therapy, diathermy, inductothermy, UHF therapy, mud therapy, ozokeritotherapy , paraffin therapy . Good results in the treatment of this disease are shown by endonasal galvanization, as a result of which the synthesis of the hormones FSH and LH is stimulated.  

Patients are prescribed vitamin therapy, exercise therapy, balneotherapy and gynecological massage.

If hypoplasia of the fetal uterus is detected , then pregnancy is excluded. With the normal functioning of the ovaries, doctors perform in vitro fertilization of the surrogate mother with the patient’s egg.  

With a mild degree of this disease, ovarian function remains and the prognosis for pregnancy is favorable. However, a certain percentage of the risk of miscarriages, complications during and after childbirth still remains. Therefore, women with uterine hypoplasia must constantly be under close medical supervision.

Thus, we see the importance of the correct development of the female reproductive system from childhood. It is important to protect the girl from stressful situations, heavy physical exertion and various infections. The nutrition of the child (adolescent) must be complete.

A healthy physical condition and a favorable psychological background will be decisive in preparing a girl for the most important function in her life – for motherhood.

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