Adnexitis: diagnosis and treatment

Timely diagnosis of adnexitis and correctly selected treatment will help avoid consequences such as infertility. At the first symptoms of the disease, a woman needs to consult a gynecologist.

Diagnostic methods

For a complete picture of the disease, the patient’s complaints are not enough. To be completely sure of the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes tests and additional examinations. The first thing the doctor will do is a gynecological examination on a chair and taking smears from the cervix and vagina. Blood and urine tests are recommended. With inflammation of the appendages, the level of leukocytes, protein, bacteriuria increases sharply.

Laparoscopy is considered the most effective diagnostic method, it is also used for surgical treatment. But this method is not suitable for determining the patency of the fallopian tubes. Laparoscopy shows only the external state of the organs. To illuminate the fallopian tubes and determine their patency, X-ray examination is used. It bears a very complex and dissonant name, hysterosalpingography. This examination is sent to her more often with already diagnosed chronic adnexitis, when there are suspicions of tubal infertility. Ultrasound can also be used, but in this case ultrasound does not give a complete picture of what is happening.

Drug treatment of adnexitis

Immediately after confirming the diagnosis of adnexitis, treatment is prescribed. It necessarily includes antibiotic therapy. All established dosages, their frequency and duration of treatment must be strictly observed. This is one of the main rules of effective treatment. In your case, you should not be afraid of antibiotics, they do more good than harm. But what an incorrect or incomplete treatment can turn into is already known. The inflammatory process can spread to other organs, including the kidneys. An untreated sore can result in irreversible infertility, which can be worse for a young woman. In case of severe pain syndrome in the first few days until the condition improves, it is recommended to take painkillers. When the temperature rises above 38.5 degrees, it is possible to take antipyretic drugs. Vaginal suppositories are often prescribed as an anti-inflammatory agent. They act directly on the lesion focus, so their effectiveness is quite high. As a rule, the treatment of acute adnexitis diagnosed on time takes about 10-14 days and requires a hospital stay. After the body temperature is restored, the patient is prescribed a course of physiotherapy, for example, electrophoresis. In severe, neglected forms, with the appearance of suppuration inside the ovary and tubes, an operation to remove the uterine appendages is indicated.

When adnexitis in a pregnant woman

It also happens that inflammation of the appendages occurs at the most inopportune moment. The normal course of pregnancy depends a lot on the woman’s health. And if she fell ill with adnexitis, this significantly increases the threat of miscarriage, premature birth, complications, intrauterine infections. But in this case, you should not panic. If you are registered for pregnancy, regularly pass the necessary tests and visit a gynecologist, then the inflammatory process is probably noticed at an early stage. If so, then there is every chance to resolve the issue without negative consequences. Treatment is prescribed very carefully, paying attention to the duration of pregnancy, the patient’s condition, test results, etc. After successful treatment, the pregnant woman is closely monitored by a midwife. As a supporting effect of the agent, a course of physiotherapy, ultrasound is prescribed. The most disastrous outcome is when inflammation is associated with sexually transmitted diseases.

Treatment of adnexitis with folk remedies

For the treatment of acute and chronic inflammation of the uterine appendages, traditional medicine offers a variety of recipes. Most of them are herbal based. Herbal medicine has always been appreciated and used in traditional medicine as an additional tool to the overall complex.

  • A very effective tincture of the herb of upland uterus and cold radiola. For cooking, you need to take 30 g of both herbs, pour a liter of vodka and leave for at least a week in a cool, dark place. Take orally a teaspoon three times a day one hour before meals. The tincture is stored for about 6 months.
  • Douching with celandine broth will help cope with the disease. To prepare it, you need to take 1 tbsp. l. raw materials and boil in 300 ml of water. After the broth has cooled, douching can be carried out. The course is 10 days. Be careful not to exceed the recommended concentration, the plant is poisonous.
  • Treatment with honey and propolis involves the use of tampons. Beekeeping products must be mixed in equal parts and heated, stirring constantly, so that the consistency becomes homogeneous. In this mass, a tampon is moistened, cooled and inserted deep into the vagina. Leave it overnight. Treatment may be accompanied by a burning sensation, increased pain in the first days.

Treatment with folk remedies should not be considered as the main method of treatment, it is not always effective. Folk recipes can be used only in combination with antibacterial drug therapy and after consulting a gynecologist.

Relapse prevention

To reduce the risk of developing this inflammation and its possible relapse, you just need to follow a few simple rules of prevention. The most important thing is proper intimate hygiene. This can include daily washing, changing underwear, using only personal towels for wiping. If you are not planning a pregnancy, it is recommended to use condoms during intimacy. They will protect you from STDs and aggressive new microflora. In the chronic form of adnexitis, it is very important not to overcool. The slightest failure in the immune system can awaken the dormant pathogens. Clothes in the waist, buttocks, crotch area should not be tight. Squeezing this zone leads to circulatory disorders in the small pelvis. Clothes are preferable from natural fabrics, loose. 

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