Folic acid: use during pregnancy and not only

Pregnancy is one of the most difficult tests for a woman’s body. Since the fetus is formed during the entire pregnancy, and a little after birth, the mother must be in absolute health. Any disorders in the development of the child are a consequence of any defects in the mother’s body during pregnancy.

As everyone knows, a woman “in position” should not be sick, nervous, drink alcohol, smoke, etc. Otherwise, all this will affect the further life of the child.

In addition to the fact that a woman who becomes pregnant must give up all bad habits, she is also simply obliged to monitor her diet. Regardless of taste preferences, pregnant women should eat foods with a maximum content of a variety of vitamins, trace elements, minerals and amino acids.

Let’s take a closer look at the question: what is folic acid , the use of this substance, why is it important during pregnancy, in which products it is contained.   

What is folic acid responsible for?

Folic acid prevents the development of the pathology of the neural tube in the embryo, which begins to form in the first days after the conception of the child. So, if you want to carry a healthy baby, then you need to prepare for pregnancy in advance. Start taking vitamins, quit drinking and smoking, get a full medical examination for infectious diseases, and get your husband to do the same three to four months before the planned conception.

The substance we are talking about is one of the most important vitamins necessary for the normal development of the embryo. Most young mothers have saved their children from neural tube disorders thanks to folic acid.

If you are determined to take folic acid , then do not rush to the pharmacy for special vitamins. It is present in sufficient quantities in a variety of foods, such as: 

– parsley, green onions (and other greens);

– beans, peas, lentils and other legumes;

– various vegetables (carrots, broccoli, tomatoes, cabbage, etc.);

– buckwheat, oat and wheat groats, rice and other cereals;

– bakery products;

– citrus fruits, various fruits;

– dairy and animal products.

If you do not trust the usefulness of foods, then, of course, it will be more convenient to take folic acid in the form of vitamins. Depending on the type of vitamin complexes, there are different dosages of folic acid. The generally accepted norm is 1 mg five times a day or 5 mg a day. Replenishment of the lack of folic acid should be continued for at least 30 days.

The beneficial properties of folic acid

In addition to pregnancy, folic acid is used to treat chronic enteritis. Since this disease is characterized by a pathology of the duodenum (and it is here that folic acid is absorbed), taking vitamins containing this acid can improve the condition of the intestinal wall.

Folic acid is also used for any intestinal inflammatory diseases, be it chronic gastroenterocolitis or resections of the stomach and intestines. As already mentioned, it strengthens the intestinal wall and helps to normalize the vitamin level in the blood.  

As already mentioned, during pregnancy, the risk of developing any deficiency is incomparably high, therefore, before conceiving a child and during pregnancy, women are advised to follow an enriched diet in terms of vitamins and other useful substances.

In men, folic acid deficiency can develop due to impaired liver function, due to alcohol dependence. 

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