Pregnancy outside the womb is now a reality

Everyone knows that the development of pregnancy occurs in the uterine cavity. To be in it, the fertilized egg has to travel a long way (along the fallopian tube into the uterine cavity, in the inner layer of which the egg is implanted). Earlier, according to doctors, it was impossible to give birth without this organ, but, as it turned out, they were wrong.

However, Australian gynecologists took serious steps and for the first time helped a woman to become pregnant without a uterus, using ovarian tissues that were implanted into the abdominal cavity. A couple of years ago, at the request of a woman who suffered the loss of one of her ovaries due to cancer, the tissues of the second ovary were frozen.

Today the mom-to-be is 25 weeks pregnant. She carries twins – two girls, whose development proceeds without deviations. It is worth noting that earlier doctors from different countries helped to give birth to 29 children from frozen ovarian tissue. However, this time, scientists for the first time managed to carry out tissue transplantation outside the pelvis.

According to Keith Stern (associate professor at an Australian clinic), after 7 months after implantation of previously frozen ovarian tissue into the wall of the abdominal cavity and after a cycle of non-aggressive hormonal stimulation, two follicles (vesicles) were found in the area of ​​implantation. It was in them that the maturation of the egg took place. Namely, eggs were isolated from them and transplanted into the uterus. Thus, it has been proven that all the processes that are necessary for future pregnancy can take place outside the uterus.

Medicine is making big strides forward, and every day gives new hopes to those who, for various reasons, cannot have children.

As you can see, if you want something very much, then everything will work out. Even after the removal of the uterus or its absence, you will be able to experience the joy of motherhood, which cannot be compared with anything. 

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