Uterine fibroids: causes of occurrence

Myoma of the uterus is a benign tumor-like formation that occurs in the muscle layers of the uterus and is formed from cells of smooth muscle tissues. By the place of localization and the degree of distribution, myomas are distinguished submucous , interstitial and subserous .

The risk group includes women who have reached the age of 30. In younger women, uterine fibroids are rare.

The growth of tumors is relatively slow, asymptomatic and painless in the initial stages. Without appropriate treatment, with further development, the disease manifests itself as pains of various nature (acute, aching) in the lower abdomen and lumbar region, menstrual irregularities, uterine bleeding, long and heavy periods. Side effects of uterine fibroids can be chronic constipation, frequent, difficult urination.

What contributes to the development of the disease?

If we are talking about a disease such as uterine fibroids, the causes of this pathology can be conditionally divided into several categories:  

– delayed development and late onset of the girl’s first menstruation;

– Frequent artificial termination of pregnancies (abortions), especially if the first pregnancy ended in an abortion;

– gynecological diseases accompanied by other systemic disorders;

– chronic diseases of the inflammatory nature of the internal genital organs;

– violation of the activity of the ovaries, excessive production of the hormone estrogen.

In addition, there is reason to believe that fibroids can develop due to a woman’s genetic predisposition to this disease. That is hereditary factors may well become the causes of uterine fibroids . Therefore, when examining the patient, the doctor is sure to ask whether there were similar pathologies in the woman’s family on the maternal side.  

In clinical practice, there are often cases when uterine fibroids are accompanied by varicose veins, as well as changes of a certain nature in the pelvic organs. Therefore, we can talk about a certain relationship between these diseases. That is, if a woman has one of these diseases that are not directly related to the field of gynecology, it makes sense to conduct an appropriate examination for the detection of uterine fibroids.

In addition, the general state of the woman’s immune system can influence the development of uterine fibroids. As confirmed by many years of practice, with a weakened immunity and the presence in the body of foci of a chronic infectious disease of various nature, the risk of developing myomatous tumors increases several times.

Treatment methods

Uterine fibroids , regardless of what causes the disease, needs adequate medical treatment. Moreover, the earlier the pathology is identified and treatment is carried out, the more favorable the prognosis for recovery becomes.  

The therapeutic course involves the use of medication drugs, whose action is aimed at stopping further tumor growth. The basis of conservative therapy is hormonal drugs such as progesterone and its derivatives, which help to effectively stop the disease in the early stages of development.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to completely eliminate uterine fibroids with medications. Such treatment is aimed only at containing the disease at non-dangerous stages until the onset of menopause, when the myomatous nodes begin to dissolve by themselves under the influence of natural changes in the woman’s body. Therefore, conservative treatment of uterine fibroids is used in relation to women who do not plan to have children anymore or to women of postmenopausal, older age.

The need for surgical intervention does not arise in all cases. Whether it is necessary to carry out the operation is decided only by the doctor, based on the examination data of the patient and on the basis of the diagnostic tests carried out.

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