Safe sex and protection against STDs

In adulthood, there are many emotional and physiological changes. We have to make choices, and more than once. Sexual desires caused by puberty, maturity, not maturation. Maturity presupposes coordination between the mind and…

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Preparing for pregnancy

Conscious parenting is becoming a very popular topic in modern society. Preparing for pregnancy is a deliberate deliberate process of adults, both of the expectant mother and the future father. It begins…

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How to identify safe days for sex?

Some women, in order to prevent unwanted pregnancies, calculate safe days, that is, those days when you do not need to use contraception. However, like any other method of contraception, this…

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Treatment of ureaplasma in women

Treatment of ureaplasma in women consists of complex measures, the choice of which is based on the localization of inflammation. For general therapy, antibacterial drugs are used, the purpose of which is to…

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