Features of multiple pregnancy

Multiple pregnancy in frequency of cases, of course, lags behind pregnancy with one child. According to statistics, out of a hundred pregnancies, only one leads to the birth of twins.…

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Contraceptives after intercourse

Contraceptives after intercourse are means to avoid an unplanned pregnancy in the event of unprotected intimate intercourse. Contraceptives after intercourse are called postcoital contraception, emergency or emergency contraception.Contraceptives after sexual…

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Bleeding during pregnancy

Every woman planning to become a mother hopes that the pregnancy will develop correctly, preferably, ideally. However, this is not always the case. Bleeding during pregnancy is the most common…

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Hormonal disorders in women

Hormonal disorders in women are very common and are the cause of many disorders and gynecological diseases. The correct hormonal background in women is both female and male hormones coexisting…

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42 weeks pregnant

42 weeks of pregnancy is the time when they start talking about overcarrying the fetus. On average, a normal pregnancy lasts from 38 to 41 weeks. If the pregnancy is…

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Moderate oligohydramnios

Moderate oligohydramnios is a condition of a pregnant woman in which there is a decrease in the volume of amniotic fluid. Moderate oligohydramnios is recorded more often than an excess…

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What is mammology

Mammology is a branch of medicine that studies the mammary gland - its structure, functions, features of development, is engaged in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the…

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Mistakes during pregnancy

It often happens that the life of a young woman is divided into “up to two stripes” and “after two stripes”. Any pregnant woman seeks to carefully monitor her health,…

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